Melaíto humorous magazine and the Cuban Union of Writers and Artists (UNEAC) in Villa Clara announce the 13th  Graphic Humor International Salon Santa Clara 2013. This time the Salon will be devoted to Argentina as guest country.
Rules and regulations:

·   The contest categories are: general humor and erotic humor.
·   The works can reach up to 25 x 35 cm maximum size, using any technique and support, including copies of digital works.
·   Three-dimensional works shall not exceed 50 x 50 cm on either side.
·   Each author may submit up to 3 works per category.
·   The works must be sent by post and will be accepted until December 10th, 2013 at the following address:
Comité Provincial de la UNEAC
Máximo Gómez no. 107, entre Julio Jover and Marti
Santa Clara,  Villa Clara, Cuba

Telephone: 202661 and 207080 (ext. 110 and 114)

The Judges:
·   Pedro J. Méndez Suárez, Director of  Melaíto, President
·   John Lent, USA
·  Jericles García (Gericles), Argentina
·   Hameed Khan (Ham), Argentina
·   Arístides Esteban Hernández Guerrero (Ares ), Cuba
·   Félix Adalberto Linares Díaz (Linares), Cuba
·   Rolando González Reyes (Roland), Cuba

The Awards:
Three prizes will be awarded for each category and as many honorable mentions as the jury deems appropriate:

For Cuban participants :

1st Prize: 2000.00 MN and diploma
2nd Prize: 1300.00MN and diploma
3rd Prize: 800.00 MN and diploma

 For foreign participants:

The winners will be awarded a work of visual arts consisting of a painting by a famous Villa Clara artist, plus a diploma, that will be sent to them in a safe manner.

The jury’s decisions will be final.

The opening of the exhibition and awards ceremony will be held on December 20th at the UNEAC headquarters in Villa Clara.

For any questions about this call please email the Organizing Committee at:

Organizing Committee

Acerca de Concurso de Humor Erótico Santa Clara 2014

El Concurso Humor Erótico Santa Clara 2014 es convocado por la publicación humorística Melaíto y la Unión de Escritores y Artistas de Cuba (Uneac) en Villa Clara.
Esta entrada fue publicada en Uncategorized y etiquetada , , , . Guarda el enlace permanente.

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